How to pronounce Kitpuj'ij?

1 entry

Pronunciation of Kitpuj'ij in Nova Scotia, Canada

Kitpuj'ij is pronounced as G IT pu j ee ch

g is pronounced as g in go
it is pronounced as it in sit
j is pronounced as j in jug
ee is pronounced as ee in see
ch is pronounced as ch in chin

Kitpuj'ij is pronounced as: Phonetic Spelling:[ G IT pu j ee ch ]

G IT j ee ch
go sit jug see chin

Type of Name:

First Name, Mi'kmaq, First Nation, 'Little Eagle'


Mi'kmaq (Native American)


Male, Female

Alternate Spelling(s):

Gitpuj'ij (Listiguj)


Little Eagle

Additional Information:

Given name by a respected elder at time of birth because I appeared to possess a free spirit...and I was small..
