How to pronounce Griego?

5 entries

Pronunciation of Griego

Griego is pronounced as G R AI - g oh

g is pronounced as g in go
r is pronounced as r in rat
ai is pronounced as ai in pain
oh is pronounced as o in so

Griego is pronounced as: Phonetic Spelling:[ G R AI - g oh ]

G R AI - g oh
go rat pain   go so


Pronunciation of Griego in Santa Fe New Mexico USA

Griego is pronounced as g r ee ay g oh

g is pronounced as g in go
r is pronounced as r in rat
ee is pronounced as ee in see
ay is pronounced as ie in tie
oh is pronounced as o in so

Griego is pronounced as: Phonetic Spelling:[ g r ee ay g oh ]

g r ee ay g oh
go rat see lie go so

Type of Name:

Paul Griego


American Hispanic

Alternate Spelling(s):

Grego, Greco


Early 13th century during the Venetian Colonization of Euboea, the native Greek families took "Griego" as their surname.

Additional Information:

One of the first families of the American Southwest is the Griego Family. Juan and his wife Pascuala Griego arrived in what is now the United States in 1598.
Juan Griego states in the Oñate Muster he was born on the island of Crete in ~1566 and in another document he mentions Negroponte. When Juan Griego was born modern Greece did not exist and Negroponte had fallen under Ottoman rule, an Islamic state is known as Euboea since 1470.
Juan's statement would have most likely been his ethnic identity, Negropontian, and a clue to an earlier ancestor from when it was Negroponte. Both Euboea and Crete are now part of modern Greece but for centuries they were both once part of the Stato da Màr, the Republic of Venice.
When Zuan Griego was born in 1566 (Zuan is the Venetian form of Juan) it was and had been for centuries a Venetian State. Zuan's nationality, culture, language, and ethnic identity were Venetian, a maritime nation that existed for over 1,000 years. At this time the surname "Griego" was a centuries-old proper Venetian surname.


Pronunciation of Griego



Pronunciation of Griego in Mexico



Pronunciation of Griego in Santa Fe New Mexico USA

Gree A goh

Type of Name:

Paul Griego


American Hispanic

Alternate Spelling(s):

Grego, Greco


Early 13th century during the Venetian Colonization of Euboea, the native Greek families took "Griego" as their surname.

Additional Information:

One of the first families of the American Southwest is the Griego Family. Juan and his wife Pascuala Griego arrived in what is now the United States in 1598.
Juan Griego states in the Oñate Muster he was born on the island of Crete in ~1566 and in another document he mentions Negroponte. When Juan Griego was born modern Greece did not exist and Negroponte had fallen under Ottoman rule, an Islamic state is known as Euboea since 1470.
Juan's statement would have most likely been his ethnic identity, Negropontian, and a clue to an earlier ancestor from when it was Negroponte. Both Euboea and Crete are now part of modern Greece but for centuries they were both once part of the Stato da Màr, the Republic of Venice.
When Zuan Griego was born in 1566 (Zuan is the Venetian form of Juan) it was and had been for centuries a Venetian State. Zuan's nationality, culture, language, and ethnic identity were Venetian, a maritime nation that existed for over 1,000 years. At this time the surname "Griego" was a centuries-old proper Venetian surname.


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