How to pronounce Bicester?

6 entries

Pronunciation of Bicester

Its a place in Britain and is pronounced as:
biss - rhymes with MISS
ter - rhymes with HER


Pronunciation of Bicester in UK



Pronunciation of Bicester in UK


How to pronounce Bicester

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Pronunciation of Bicester in Devon,UK

Bicester is pronounced as b ih s eh s t er

b is pronounced as b in bat
ih is pronounced as i in it
s is pronounced as s in so
eh is pronounced as e in pet
t is pronounced as t in to
er is pronounced as ur in hurt

Bicester is pronounced as: Phonetic Spelling:[ b ih s eh s t er ]

b ih s eh s t er
bat it so pet so to hurt

Type of Name:



English (Saxon)


Theories advanced for the meaning of the name include "of Beorna" (a personal name), "The Fort of the Warriors" or literally from Latin Bi-cester to mean "The 2 forts".

Additional Information:

Bicester has a history going back to Saxon times. The name Bicester, which has been in use since the mid 17th century, derives from earlier forms including Berncestre, Burencestre, Burcester, Biciter and Bissiter (the John Speed map of 1610 shows four alternative spellings and Miss G. H. Dannatt found 45 variants in wills of the 17th and 18th centuries). Theories advanced for the meaning of the name include "of Beorna" (a personal name), "The Fort of the Warriors" or literally from Latin Bi-cester to mean "The 2 forts". The ruins of the Roman settlement of Alchester are 2 miles (3.2 km) southwest of the town and remains of an Augustinian priory founded in 1180 survive in the town centre.

The West Saxons established a settlement in the 6th century at a nodal point of a series of ancient routes. A north-south Roman road, known as the Stratton (Audley) Road, from Dorchester to Towcester, passed through King’s End. Akeman Street, an east-west Roman road from Cirencester to St. Albans lies 2 miles (3.2 km) south, next to the Roman fortress and town at Alchester.

The first documentary reference is the Domesday Book of 1086 which records it as Berencestra, its two manors of Bicester and Wretchwick being held by Robert D'Oyly who built Oxford Castle. The town became established as twin settlements on opposite banks of the River Bure, a tributary of the Ray, Cherwell and ultimately the River Thames.


Pronunciation of Bicester in Devon,UK

Its a place in Britain and is pronounced as:
bi - bye
cester - sister

Type of Name:



English (Saxon)


Theories advanced for the meaning of the name include "of Beorna" (a personal name), "The Fort of the Warriors" or literally from Latin Bi-cester to mean "The 2 forts".

Additional Information:

Bicester has a history going back to Saxon times. The name Bicester, which has been in use since the mid 17th century, derives from earlier forms including Berncestre, Burencestre, Burcester, Biciter and Bissiter (the John Speed map of 1610 shows four alternative spellings and Miss G. H. Dannatt found 45 variants in wills of the 17th and 18th centuries). Theories advanced for the meaning of the name include "of Beorna" (a personal name), "The Fort of the Warriors" or literally from Latin Bi-cester to mean "The 2 forts". The ruins of the Roman settlement of Alchester are 2 miles (3.2 km) southwest of the town and remains of an Augustinian priory founded in 1180 survive in the town centre.

The West Saxons established a settlement in the 6th century at a nodal point of a series of ancient routes. A north-south Roman road, known as the Stratton (Audley) Road, from Dorchester to Towcester, passed through King’s End. Akeman Street, an east-west Roman road from Cirencester to St. Albans lies 2 miles (3.2 km) south, next to the Roman fortress and town at Alchester.

The first documentary reference is the Domesday Book of 1086 which records it as Berencestra, its two manors of Bicester and Wretchwick being held by Robert D'Oyly who built Oxford Castle. The town became established as twin settlements on opposite banks of the River Bure, a tributary of the Ray, Cherwell and ultimately the River Thames.


Pronunciation of Bicester in UK





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